LGBTQ+ inclusion matters to the mission of active lives for all

Data shows that over 29.7% of the Greater Manchester adult population are physically active for less than 30 minutes a week. The data points to clear patterns in terms of who is less likely to be active, which mirror wider inequality gaps along demographic, socio-economic and geographical fractures formed by deeply rooted structural and systemic inequalities. 

LGBTQ+ people experience multiple and intersecting barriers to engagement in active lives, which makes them disproportionately likely to experience inactivity with its associated physical and mental health impacts. The latest data, evidence and insight is helping us to understand this better.

These patterns are long-standing and entrenched. Learning and insight shows that these gaps will not be closed unless we take an intentional and targeted approach to address the inequalities which stand in the way of some people participating in physical activity, sport, and an active life. 

Recognising these patterns and addressing the inequalities behind them, needs to run through the core of everything we do. Removing the multiple and intersecting barriers to activity, widening opportunities to move, and designing moving into everyday life for people and communities that have traditionally been excluded, under-served, left out or left behind.  

This is vital to our GM Moving mission.

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Why moving matters to LGBTQ+ people and communities

Movement, physical activity, and sport are vital to health, happiness, and connection for LGBTQ+ people across Greater Manchester. They contribute to our physical and mental wellbeing, our social relationships, our sense and strength of community, our productivity, and confidence.

When LGBTQ+ people are engaged in activity and sport - and find positive places, spaces, and cultures where we all feel welcome, accepted, celebrated, and appreciated - the stories of change are powerful and full of hope and joy.

There are many great examples of inclusive practice and spaces, but sadly the negative stories of exclusion and isolation are all too common.

Together we can change this.

People and partners across Greater Manchester are working together to do just that.

What are we doing together and how?

People and partners across Greater Manchester have come together to develop the GM Moving LGBTQ+ network. Together we have developed our commitment to action.

How to get involved

If you would like to join the GM Moving LGBTQ+ network, please email [email protected] and we will add you to the mailing list. You can join our meetings as often as you like or are able, with no pressure or judgement.


We are developing a collection of resources, tools, imagery, stories, advice, guidance, training, and much more to support everyone in this work. Click here to see what is available so far and please send anything you find useful or have developed to [email protected] so we can add it to the resource bank.