Job role: My job role is YP Equality Lead. My role is to help close the gap of inequality in physical activity and movement, and promote inclusivity and diversity to Greater Manchester Moving and our partner organisations. I will also be looking to gain a wider reach across GM to ensure we have connections with a variety of experts in specific targeted youth provision and encourage the promotion of activity. I am also here to encourage GM Moving to be leaders in fighting inequality and remain proactive when thinking about building foundations of sport, activity or moving more. My passions are found in inspiring young people to be healthy and happy, and to be given the opportunities to do so. Greater Manchester Moving will have a focus on removing barriers young people face when aiming to achieve, develop and engage. I will always make sure communities are supported and inspired to support young people, their needs and their vulnerabilities – working for GM Moving across Greater Manchester allows me to network and connect the 10 borough together to ensure young people have the best deal.

Date started: November 2020

Professional background: I trained as a teacher specialising in sociology and Health and Social Care, teaching A Levels and BTEC in colleges. I then moved in to high school settings and picking up history in the curriculum. I always had a focus on community activism and volunteering in my personal time, which lead me to focus on youth voice across my borough. Whilst volunteering for Wigan Pride – a project led by young people, I retrained as a youth worker (and completed qualifications in the profession). I previously worked for a local authority, and for a working class leader charity across GM. My community activism has led to successful campaigns, including those promoting youth voice and supporting the visibility, equality and engagement of people with diverse background.

Fun fact: After co-founding Wigan Pride, myself and other founders spent the day with the parade marshal – Sir Ian McKellen. We went for lunch together and visited places from his childhood.

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