We openly and publicly disclose information on our governance, structure, strategy, activities and financial position to enable stakeholders to have a good understanding of them.

Risk management plan

The GreaterSport risk management plan is based on guidance from the Charity Commission and includes risks associated with:

  • Strategic risk
  • Operational risks
  • Financial risks
  • Reputational risk
  • Legal & compliance

The matrix lays out a philosophy of risk management based on identifying levels of risk, and establishing an appropriate organisational response to risks falling within each level. The placement of each risk within the risk map is calculated by multiplying the Impact of risk score (1-5) and the Likelihood score (1-5) to give an overall risk score. The detail for each risk is contained in the risk management plan, which can be downloaded here.

GreaterSport business plan

As a charity we are proud to have led a step change in the way physical activity and sport are seen as real contributors to the health, wealth and wellbeing of residents within Greater Manchester, leading to the launch of Greater Manchester Moving, the plan for physical activity and sport in Greater Manchester. Our business plan sets out our vision and purpose, our values and the way we work, who we are and what we do and how we contribute to GM Moving. View the business plan here.

Annual Governance statement

Download the annual governance statements:

Annual reports

Articles of Association

Download GreaterSport’s Articles of Association. They have recently (July’23) been updated to comply with the Code for Sports Governance.