1040 results found

Children sat in chairs in a sports hall playing boccia

Active Lives Children and Young People Survey gives anyone working with children aged 5-16 key insight to help understand children's attitudes and behaviours around sport and physical activity.

Having been selected to take part in the Active Lives Children and Young People Survey this will guide you the process and provide all the key information for taking part.

Developed in collaboration with teachers, the fun and engaging content links into the curriculum and is an easy fit into all classrooms. Whatever your journey looks like this year, let The Daily Mile Destinations help you along the way, keeping your pupils, fit, focused and flourishing – the journey is in your hands.

Young boy excitedly climbing up an indoor climbing wall

The PE and sport premium provides funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, physical activity and sport in primary schools.

Greater Manchester (GM) has an ambition to make this the best place for children and young people to grow up, so here you will find links and information about various networks across GM working to meet this ambition.