We are committed to providing access to as many visitors to our website as possible. To meet this commitment, our website is authored in accordance with worldwide accessibility standards published by the W3C. To the best of our knowledge, in periodically updated tests, our site meets the AA checkpoints of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and we are continually working towards AAA. If you have trouble using this site, please contact us.

There are many ways that you can change the way in which the website is displayed to you, including changing your browser, computer, keyboard and mouse settings to make the internet more accessible for you.

For example, text size - some visitors may find it necessary to increase or decrease the size of the text on our site. This can be achieved by holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key (for Windows), or ‘Cmd’ key (for Apple Mac), then pressing + or – to alter the text size up or down respectively. If you have an older browser you can use the ‘View’ menu and highlight the ‘Text Size’ option.


Our website is constantly under development and we are always looking for ways to improve the site. We value your opinion and would like to hear from you. If you have any comments or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


If you are having any difficulties using our website and would like your issues addressed, please contact us, giving as much information as possible about the nature of the problem.