341 results found


Registrations have opened for a new Community of Practice focused solely on volunteering following the publication of a new report.


The latest Active Lives from Sport England found a 2.2% rise in the number of people completing the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week.

Forever Manchester

Grants are available to support the health and wellbeing of communities across the three themes: mental health, tackling health inequalities and hospital at home.

GM Walking

36 projects funded by GM Walking, Salford CVS and 10GM will help bring communities together.


GreaterSport need a partner to provide marketing support to enable three boroughs to achieve a set of co-created objectives which inspire and motivate inactive residents to move more everyday.

Kelly-Marie Rodgers, Strategic Lead - Healthy, Active Places

Creating the conditions for a cultural shift to make moving a part of every day for all.