Data shows that over 31% of the Greater Manchester adult population are physically active for less than 30 minutes a week (view the data here).

The data points to clear patterns in terms of who is less likely to be active, which mirror wider inequality gaps along demographic, socio-economic and geographical fractures formed by deeply rooted structural and systemic inequalities, such as: 

  • Disabled people and people with a long-term limiting health condition are almost twice as likely to be physically inactive than those without a disability or health condition. Find out more here.
  • Lower socioeconomic groups have higher rates of inactivity than people in higher social groups (NS-SEC 1-2). Find out more here.
  • Women and girls are less active than men this gender gap starts in childhood with girls being less active from a young age. Find out more here.
  • People from South Asian, Black, Chinese, and Other Ethnic Group backgrounds are more likely to be physically inactive than people who are White British or White Other. Find out more here.
  • Place: Activity rates differ between people who live in different places, for example, there are different patterns of activity across the different Greater Manchester districts and between different neighbourhoods. For example, between people who live in Stockport vs Oldham but also within Oldham, will differ depending on whether you live in Glodwick compared to Saddleworth. Find out more about the differences between boroughs here.
  • Intersectionality: People are not defined solely one characteristic such as their gender, ethnicity, wealth or place of residence. In reality, people are a mix of these characteristics, which intersect and interconnect. Socio-economic inequalities of income and wealth, and disparities in access to resources and power, press down and exacerbate demographic and geographical inequalities.
  • LGBTQ+: We know from data, evidence, research, our experiences and those of our children, friends, and colleagues, that LGBTQ+ experience greater barriers to engagement in active lives. Find out more about our commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion and how you can take part here

These patterns are long-standing and entrenched. Learning and insight shows that these gaps will not be closed unless we take an intentional and targeted approach to address the inequalities which stand in the way of some people participating in physical activity, sport and an active life. 

Recognising these patterns and addressing the inequalities behind them, needs to run through the core of everything we do. Removing the multiple and intersecting barriers to activity, widening opportunities to move and designing moving into everyday life for people and communities that have traditionally been excluded, underserved, left out or left behind.  This is vital to the success of GM Moving in Action.

Working Groups

To tackle such entrenched inequalities, we must work together. That's why GM Moving brings people and partners from across Greater Manchester together to work on addressing inequalities (see right). 

Greater Manchester is committed to developing an inclusive, whole systems approach to active lives and tackling inequalities. To support this, commitments have been co-created by a network of sector representatives and people with lived experience to drive this agenda forward.

Get involved

Anyone is welcome to join and get involved in this work if it feels as though it might be of interest and relevant to you. You can join our meetings as often as you like or are able, with no pressure or judgement.

Faith Centre Network

Working with faith centres presents an opportunity to engage diverse groups into movement and physical activity, in many local communities a faith centre is a focal part of the community.

Our GM Moving Faith Centre Network aims to support these religious and cultural centres to enhance community participation in physical activity and movement.

If you would like to be involved in the GM Faith Centre Network, please get in touch with Umar via the contact details right.

Further details please contact

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