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By GreaterSport | 29 September 2020 | TAGS: GM Moving, Whole System

Across Greater Manchester we’re designing moving back into life and making it everybody's business.

Many aspects of modern life make it harder to live a healthy and active life: convenience food, sedentary jobs with long hours, the types of transport on offer and even the entertainment that is most easily accessible are all designed to keep us sitting down.

With such a complex problem we must address the policy, environmental, social and individual factors that encourage or prevent active lives. This may sound fairly straightforward but in reality it relies on everyone making it their mission to get others moving: employers, school and hospital staff, town planners, GP practices and community centres can all influence how much people move everyday.

When whole systems work together to get people moving, we can also solve other problems too, such as improving educational attainment and health outcomes, supporting the local economy, reducing our impact on the environment and creating healthier, happier, safer places; collectively making Greater Manchester a better place for everyone to live.

To see more about the work of Greater Manchester Moving, and how you can be involved, take a look at our animation and share with your colleagues.


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