94 results found

By Youth Sport Trust

In June 2019 Youth Sport Trust released research around their Girls Active Project, the key points, motivators, barriers and considerations around why less girls are active than boys.

By Britain Thinks

GM Moving’s goal is for 75% of the population of Greater Manchester to be active by 2025. In order to do this it is developing a behaviour change campaign to encourage inactive residents to increase their activity levels.

By GreaterSport

Following the World Health Organisation's Physical Activity Strategy for the WHO European Region 2016-2025 they have produced a document updating the progress against the priorities listed below. We have summarised the findings into the attached update summary below.

By GreaterSport

Supporting employees getting to work by walking or cycling is a worthwhile investment; we've brought together some tops stats and benefits to make the case for active travel to the workplace.

By GreaterSport

New research undertaken by Activity Alliance on non-disabled people’s perceptions and attitudes of disabled people in inclusive activity has shown that there are encouraging signs of an improvement. However, there is a long way to go for the barriers to be broken down, and for inclusive sessions to become the norm.

By GreaterSport

Today Activity Alliance, supported by Sport England, is releasing five Ten Principles in action films.