1129 results found
A key GM Moving priority is to widen access and participation in physical activity, sport and active travel to create a greater number of more inclusive ways to be active every day, enabling active lives for all.
A key GM Moving priority is to enable the greatest number of people possible to walk, wheel and cycle routinely, for pleasure, for travel, for themselves and for the environment.
The GM Walking Voice is a collective of organisations that promote walking as a core purpose, or part, of what they do.
GM Moving prioritises the opportunity and need from Sport England and the Greater Manchester system to test and learn, sharing impact and learning to enable organisation’s to realise the potential digital can play to help increase activity levels. Some examples of the work and approaches are outlined below.
We believe that if all GM Moving partners were to engage with the OpenActive initiative and publish open data, not only would it be hugely beneficial for you as an organisation, but the physical activity sector as a whole would change for the better.
A key GM Moving priority is to champion a transformational growth in active travel, through supporting population level behaviour change, system change and culture change.